Cross-Cultural Communication Skills
In our increasingly global society, most of us are in daily contact with people of different cultures, whether at home or abroad. Without sensitivity and understanding, these interactions can all too often lead to confusion and frustration rather than constructive collaboration and learning.
This workshop looks at:
- The underlying roots of culture, such as values, beliefs, preferences and practices, and how they become evident in everyday language, customs, pace of life, etc.
- Five dimensions of culture and how they apply to issues of reasoning, communication, planning, strategy and leadership.
- Our own cultural styles, how they compare to others we need to work with, and how to adjust our behaviour to flourish in cross-cultural settings.
- How we can set up an action plan to grow in cultural intelligence over time.
Coaching Skills for Leaders
A good coach helps the person they are coaching to work out their own solutions and way forward through a process of learning. A coaching-oriented style of leadership usually leads to more effective results, greater collaboration and trust among team members, and happier working relationships.
This workshop looks at:
- What coaching is and isn’t, including an overview of the differences between coaching and other related concepts, such as mentoring, counselling and consulting.
- Characteristics of a coaching style of leadership and when and how to use this approach.
- Skills of listening and asking the right questions.
- How to structure a coaching conversation and how to integrate this approach into existing leadership processes.
- How leaders can continue to develop the specific coaching skills they need for the job.

Psychological First Aid (PFA)
Psychological First Aid is an evidence-informed support framework for assisting staff, colleagues, team members and their families in the direct aftermath of a traumatic event. PFA provides simple and effective guidance in offering emotional support to people of any age or background in order to reduce the initial distress caused by the incident and to foster healthy coping and recovery.
This workshop explores:
- The impact of traumatic stress on body and mind.
- The broad range of normal early reactions.
- The basic objectives of Psychological First Aid.
- Active listening skills to stabilize and support people following critical incidents.
- Practical and emotional assistance that bolsters coping skills.
- When to refer people to professional support.
Created for Connection
Created for Connection is an engaging marriage seminar that helps Christian couples repair, enhance, and strengthen their bond and covenantal love for each other. Rooted in both Biblical truth and rigorous clinical research into what makes relationships work, this workshop is designed to enrich healthy marriages, renew faded connections and resolve stuck and repetitive interactions.
This workshop helps couples:
- Identify and become more familiar with their own unique negative patterns.
- Interrupt those patterns before they escalate or avoid them all together.
- Start creating new positive interactions through six structured conversations.
(Please note this is an educational seminar, not group therapy, so there is no pressure or expectation on participating couples to share anything with others.)